Custom Greetings – Uploading to the Announcement Repository
With the announcement repository, you have a common place where all your custom announcements can be viewed and maintained. In the Announcement Repository, announcements can be shared among multiple services. You can modify an announcement with another file while the announcement is being used by services, and you can keep an announcement on the system without it being used by a service. You can also record from the voice portal to create an announcement that can be used by any service.
An announcement must be added to the repository before it can be assigned to a service. To add an entry, follow these steps:
- After logging in to UCEP, select Group Profile from the left-hand navigation. Then select the Announcement Repository tab.
- On the Announcement Repository page, select Add.
- Enter the Name of the announcement. Then select Choose File to find the file saved on your computer. Select Upload to upload to the Announcement Repository. Select Save to save your changes. The announcement will now be available as a choice in the Custom field when modifying your custom announcements and greetings.
Note: UCEP will automatically accept & convert most audio formats. If your format isn’t accepted please convert and save as a .wav file. To save a recording in this format, you may need to use a basic sound recorder.